How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have

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After deciding which MacBook (Pro or Air) you need while shopping on the Apple web site the second page is meant to upsell some upgrade options including extra storage. Chances are you possibly wondering how much do you need to spend to make sure that you will not regret your decision in a year or two.

  1. How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have Less
  2. How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have Air
  3. How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have
  4. How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have

There is nothing worse than spending a couple of thousands of dollars on a MacBook and finding out soon that you need to spend even more on a new one because the old Mac does not have enough space.

Figure the operating system uses about a little over 2GB on average, so whatever is left is what is available for use. So if your MacBook Air has 4GB of RAM, then just under 2GB. On a machine with 8GB you would have just under 6GB available. But that doesn't really tell the whole story. If you will start taking a lot of photos and video — especially if you use an iPhone 6 or 7 that lets you do things like shoot HD video at 60fps — spend the $200 extra to bump yourself up into the next model of MacBook Air, MacBook, or MacBook Pro and get 256GB of storage. If you can only choose one of them, then you should go for 16GB ram. There is only subtle difference in i5 or i7 when we are talking about MacBook air. However, 16GB means a totally.

The purpose of this article is to help you decide on MacBook specs and hopefully make your purchase future proof. After all, Apple laptops are very expensive and anyone who's investing in those hopes to run them for at least 5 years or more.

So, is 128GB enough for MacBook? A 128GB MacBook will satisfy most users as long as the user regularly clears space from old applications and documents and/or uses other ways to extend the storage, such as iCloud or external hard drives.

However, it is recommended to double the storage if possible for better MacBook performance.

Now, let's get into details. Below I will review cases for college use, programming, gaming. I will also describe various ways to extend storage on your MacBook.

Several years ago Apple started soldering laptop components. It meant that the components perfectly fit and this allowed to produce the slimmest MacBooks ever. The downside of this approach is that MacBooks are nowimpossible to upgrade after the purchase. So, one needs to decide between 128GB and 256GB before making buying a new MacBook.

SSD storage on MacBook is needed to store the files. The files on your computer can be roughly placed in 4 categories:

  • System
  • Applications
  • Working documents
  • Archive.

So when assessing how much storage is needed you have to know (predict) how much space you will eventually need for those categories.

How much space should the Mac operating system take?

Do you know how much space is actually free out of the box on a 128GB MacBook?

If you were hoping that with the purchase of the base MacBook model you get entire 128GB disk space then I am sorry to disappoint you. On the brand new 128GB MacBook only 107.5GB space will be available for applications and documents.

The rest (about 20GB) will be immediately used by the MacOS system initially. Note that with more applications being installed on the MacBook and more the system gets upgraded the space taken by the system will only increase.

How much storage do I have on my Mac?

If you don't know how to find out how much storage you have on your MacBook here are simple steps to find out:

  1. Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. In the drop-down list click on 'About This Mac' option.
  3. In a pop-up window click on the 'Storage' tab.

Here is how my MacBook Pro with Mojave OS looks like: Graphic design apps for macbook air.

As you can without a single document or new app, I am only left with 107.42GB. The interesting thing is that the storage size is displayed as 121.12GB, not 128GB as you might expect.

The space that is not available (hidden) is used by macOS for OS image, so in case your MacBook crashes or catches a virus you can always wipe out the system and restore to default settings without needing an OS disk.

How much free storage should I have on my Mac?

Before we review the storage requirements for applications and documents let's discuss how much free space is needed on MacBook. If you ever wondered how a MacBook with 4 GB memory (RAM) can run applications that take 20GB on a disk the answer is that modern computers use the so-called virtual memory.

In the simplest terms, this means that operating system, e.g. macOS, only reads as little data as possible to the actual memory and when the application needs more data the macOS will simply load more when needed. This process is called swapping, macOS swaps data between RAM (memory) and disk (storage).

As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to have at free storage equal to 150% of computer's RAM. For example, if the RAM on Mac is 8GB then the amount of free storage should be at least 12 GB.

Why is this important? Since we have so little storage in the first place, after accounting for system and free storage space we left with only 95.5GB = (107.5 – 12) for anything else.

Storage for Applications

The amount of storage required for a MacBook (or any computer) depends on the applications you need to have on it. While it is possible to store the documents in the cloud or external devices, the applications in most cases required to be installed on the internal storage.

So if you ask me how much storage is enough I will ask you which applications you are planning to use.

Let's review some common user types and applications they typically use.

How much storage do I need on my MacBook for college?

As a college student, you will definitely need Microsoft office. If you run Office locally (and you can get a free copy from your college) then following are approximate space requirements for Office apps:

  • Excel: 1.93GB
  • Powerpoint: 1.71GB
  • Word: 2.31GB

Total for all 3 apps is around 6GB.

Note that these numbers only for app software, they do not include Office documents which may be quite large. With some quick calculations and if we don't need to install anything else we end up with 89.5GB (95.5 – 6) storage for your notes, lectures, books, email, and other documents.

Also, if all you do is browse the Internet, watch YouTube and don't like Safari, you can install other browsers and they will need some space as well. Google Chrome gets installed with 418MB of files, while Firefox only needs about 200MB.

This doesn't include a cache of course. Browsers, are famous for using cache in order to reduce network bandwidth (less time for you to wait), but this comes at the expense of storage space.

Verdict: For most college students MacBook Air with 128GB is good enough for the coursework. 128GB is enough storage to store hundreds (even thousands) of Word/Pages, Excel/Numbers, and PowerPoint/Keynote documents.

Is 128GB storage enough for Gaming?

Definitely not. Modern applications need a lot of disk space because they need to store different images, sounds, etc. Each game nowadays requires 10-20GB of storage. Install a couple of games and there will be no space left on the 128GB disk.

Is 256GB storage enough for gaming? The 256GB disk will be on the lower end for a gaming laptop.

However, there are ways to install multiple games on the MacBook. For instance, if you play games on Steam the application itself (the shell) is pretty small around 6MB.

Games themselves, however, require significant space. For instance, Counter-Strike Global Offensive takes up 20GB, Sid Meier's Civilization VI about 15GB and Fortnite a little over 19GB.

Fortunately, Steam allows to install games on drives other than primary so you can install an unlimited number of Steam games on cheap external hard drives without investing in expensive primary storage.

So if the question is can you install Fortnite on external hard drive mac then the answer is yes, it is doable. And yes, it will run slower than from the primary disk. But it is far more important to have better CPU and Graphics for games like Fortnite than disk performance.

Verdict: Gamer laptops are the most demanding in terms of resources, including storage. With 128GB MacBook you will only be able to have 1 or 2 games at a time. If you don't mind uninstalling the games you are not currently playing and installing them back again then 128GB may be enough.

Installing games on external storage is also an option. When purchasing a gaming MacBook first invest in better CPU and more RAM, and then in storage.

MacBook Air for programming

Requirements for programming laptops have changed significantly in the last 5-10 years. In the early 2010s and late 2000s, I remember constantly craving for more hard drive space. I had multiple desktops and each desktop had multiple hard drives, the more the better. In those days (pre-cloud) we had to run everything locally – databases, VMs, multiple tools.

While we, programmers, still install multiple tools, the most resource-hungry applications have moved largely to the cloud. Now I run databases and VMs either on Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.

However, the applications themselves grew in size as well. We use open-source libraries more often than before and many of them are not optimized for storage. Nowadays, even fairly simple applications come with dozens of nodeJS modules or other libraries.

Moreover, if you use source control (and you should) checking out branches or releases will double, triple and quadruple the space taken by the source code and executables.

When it comes to applications and tools the requirements also vary.

If you are just an HTML/CSS/JavaScript developer then you likely need a good text editor. For instance, Atom editor takes 520MB, while Visual Studio Code only 220MB (without plugins). If you need Photoshop for image editing then add another 3.5GB.

You need more resources if are building iPhone or Android apps. XCode is particularly bad with over 10GB space requirement. Java with Android library and simulator is another beast.

If you developing with Microsoft Visual Studio (yes, it is available on Mac) then expect 1.3 – 3.0GB storage taken.

So if you want to know my opinion on storage for programming MacBook, I'd say that 128GB will definitely be tight. Doable, but tight. If you are on a budget and need MacBook I would suggest choosing MacBook Pro with smaller disk over MacBook Air with a larger one. When it comes to programming the CPU is still more important.

How about VMs?

Previously, I never ran VMs on external drives because they were super slow. Recently, I tested a Virtual Box image on the external hard drive with the MBP and I was surprised to see how fast it was running. And I believe, this was because I have a super-fast external drive as well as great CPU and plenty of RAM.

While VMs are nice for the purpose of running multiple operating systems on the same hardware, some people prefer using Bootcamp.

Is 128GB enough for Bootcamp? Absolutely no. With Bootcamp one needs to split the drive. And while having 64GB for macOS is a challenge, running Windows 10 on the 64GB drive is essentially impossible.

Windows itself would take more than half of that space leaving almost nothing for other applications. For Bootcamp, I would not recommend anything less than 512GB.

Verdict: Nowadays programmers do not need as much storage as they used to 10 years ago. When purchasing a programming MacBook invest first in a better CPU. The only exception is when the programmer needs to have Bootcamp option.

Graphics Designers

Graphics designers need even more resources than programmers. Since they work with huge image and movie clips the storage requirements for Graphics designers are considerably high. I believe 128GB may not be enough even with external or cloud storage.

For these users, I would recommend getting as much storage as possible, as much RAM as possible and more powerful CPU (which means upgraded 15-inch MacBook Pro). It is true that most files the designers need could be archived away from the primary disk, but when editing image and video files you still need significant storage available on the main drive.

This could be hard to achieve after installing Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, GarageBand, and other essential apps.

How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have Less

Verdict: 128GB storage will be very challenging for Graphics Designers. A MacBook Pro with at least 256GB and additional cloud or external storage will be the most optimal solution.

Can I add more storage to my MacBook?

Unfortunately, the option of adding storage to MacBook is not available after purchase. However, while applications in most cases can only be installed on the primary disk, the majority of the documents (pictures, videos, last year presentations, old iTunes backups) can be archived and removed from the MacBook.

There are two main ways to archive old documents: cloud and external storage.


While there are many cloud storage options unsurprisingly iCloud is the most compatible for Apple laptops. What's cool about iCloud is that it automatically uploads your documents and clears your hard drive.

Let's compare iCloud pricing with money needed to upgrade MacBook drive from 128GB to 256GB.

To upgrade MacBook from 128GB to 256 you need to pay an additional $200.
iCloud does not have option for 128GB, only 50GB, 200GB and 2TB (in the US).

If you go with the 200GB option the monthly plan currently stands at $2.99, which is equal to $35.88 per year. So instead of spending $200 for additional 128GB, you can have 200GB for 5.5 years. By that time you most likely going to have another laptop.

Moreover, you can share iCloud account if you have multiple MacBooks and iPhones and you can also share the same account with your family.

The downside of any cloud storage is that you always need internet. Fortunately, at least in the US free wifi is available in any Starbucks and in most organizations. In the worst case, you can always use internet tethering on your smartphone.

How much does a macbook cost

Microsoft OneDrive

Did you know that Microsoft Office 365 comes with at least 1TB of OneDrive space?

If you don't have old Microsoft Office license and thinking about purchasing an Office 365 subscription you will be happy to find out that for $69.99 per year (or $6.99 per month) you can get Personal edition of the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. And that includes 1TB of cloud storage. College students can get this even for free as far as I know.

External hard drives

The advantage of the external hard drives is obviously the ability to work offline. With the speeds of the latest drives, you will not see a big difference between documents (or applications) stored on internal or external disks.

All you need to know is which drives are best for your MacBook. If you need a recommendation then check: The Most Reliable External Hard Drive For Mac Ever.

The downside of the external devices is that you need to carry them separately while traveling. Another problem is that you may not have enough ports (especially with the latest 12-inch MacBook) to plug-in devices which means that you need adapters too.

Flash drives

While flash drives are normally smaller and slower than SSD drives they are way more convenient. If you deciding which Flash drive to buy check the ones I am using myself.

SD Cards

There is a better solution for extending storage if you are buying a used MacBook (2015 or earlier). Transcend 256GB JetDrive Lite is an SD card which fits nicely in the expansion slot if your MacBook has one. The beauty of this approach is that you get an external drive of a decent size which is always inside the laptop.

You don't have to plug and unplug it when transporting and it does not use USB ports so you can still use other devices which is super helpful.

Transcend cards are specifically designed for MacBooks. They are not some generic cards that people happen to use for both PCs and Macs. There are four different sizes so make sure to scroll down this Amazon page to find out which type fits your Mac.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I will earn a commission, at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here.

The MacBooks I personally own

I am a lucky owner of three MacBooks and I am thinking about getting another one. The temptation to buy one was so overwhelming during 4th of July sale when I saw 12-inch MacBook for $849 ($450 off) so I had to keep distracting myself and work on this post instead.

By the way, if you want to know how to save up $500 on a new MacBook check my article here.

Here is my list:

  • MacBook Air Early 2014, 128GB SSD, 4 GB RAM
  • MacBook Pro Retina 13-inch Early 2015, 128GB SSD, 8GB RAM
  • MacBook Pro 15-inch 2016 TouchBar, 512GB SSD, 16GB RAM. I have a Bootcamp on it.

I also have old Mac Mini which I use as a desktop (and I have Bootcamp on it too).

As you can see 2 of my laptops have 128GB storage. How to update os x on macbook air. Have I ever regretted my decisions to buy base models? Frankly, never. Mostly because I have plenty of external hard drives and flash drives.

Still not decided?

If you still deciding if you need more storage, let me tell you one thing: No matter how much storage you have, if you do not clean MacBook regularly you will be out of space eventually. More storage just gives you more time between periodic clean-ups.

How are you supposed to know which applications you will possibly need? How are you supposed to know whether or not 128GB will be enough for you based on what your probable needs might be at some point in the distant future?

Let me share with you one interesting fact. I have a quiz on my site called 'Which MacBook Should I Buy'. One of the questions on the quiz is 'Are you a software developer?' with three answer options: Yes, No and Maybe in the future.

Apple iphone computer software. The interesting fact is that every single person who answered the quiz picked the last option. I highly doubt that all those people seriously considering a career change, but the fact is nobody can predict what they will do in the future and as a result, nobody can tell how much storage is enough.

But I hope that I helped to ease your stress and fear about buying a base model with 128GB. Because now you know that even if you find out that the storage on your MacBook is inadequate, you still have options to extend storage by other means.

Last piece of advice

Things have a tendency to accumulate and take all available space. That's why you have to delete the files you don't need. Make a habit of deleting garbage data at least once a month and maybe you will not even need external drives or cloud storage.

Following are the things you need to check and periodically clean:

  • Browser cache
  • Downloads
  • DMG files – read more here about them
  • Old iTunes and Time Machine backups
  • Empty Trash
  • Uninstall applications you no longer need

If you still need help with selecting a proper MacBook then email me at [email protected]

By the way, while you exploring the topic of purchasing a MacBook there are two other posts you may like reading as well:

  • A post about choosing between MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, written specifically for college students: Best Apple Laptop For College Student.
  • A post which explains the things to consider when selecting between 8GB or 16 GB RAM for your MacBook: Is 8GB RAM Enough For MacBook Pro?

And final note

While working on this post I found out that I CAN upgrade SSD on my old MacBook Pro 2015 with Feather M13 SSD replacement. I've been thinking about this for two days and at the end I decided against the upgrade for two reasons:

  • I am already used to live with 128GB
  • I want to buy a new MacBook in the fall when Apple releases something more exciting

This article is from 'Which MacBook Should I Buy' series.

Image credit: Apple

This article is updated regularly. Bookmark it (Ctrl + D) to get redirected to the latest version.
Note that the Macbook 12 and Air 11 have been discontinued, hence why you get redirected to this page.

This is one of 3 articles dedicated to Apple's Macbooks:

1. How to choose the best Apple Macbook Air (this article)
2. How to choose the best Apple Macbook Pro 13
3.How to choose the best Apple Macbook Pro 16

Who is the Macbook Air ideal for?

Anyone who wants a laptop that's solid, lightweight, secure, with an excellent battery life, great backlit keyboard, great display, an excellent trackpad, great all around performance and at the lowest price for an Apple laptop.

What is the Macbook Air good for?

– Everyday tasks: Web browsing, e-mails, school or office work (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.)
– Listening to music
– Watching TV/movies. Note that you may need an adapter to connect a monitor or HDTV.
– Lightweight audio/photo/video editing. If you're a professional working with audio/photo/video who needs high sustained performance, you'll be much better off with a more powerful Macbook Pro.

Why do you want the Macbook Air: Pros

– This is the least expensive Apple Macbook laptop
– High-end everyday performance thanks to Apple M1 chip
– Thin and lightweight: Only 2.8lbs and .41-1.6cm thick. Perfect if you're traveling and often on the move.
– It's an Apple computer: Mac OS X, Time Machine backup (automatically backs up system data to an external hard drive), many built-in apps, highly reliable, excellent customer service
– Backlit keyboard
– Highly secure
– Fanless: No noise
– Great display: 2560 x 1600 Retina IPS with P3 gamut
– Long battery life: Up to 15 hours of web browsing and up to 18 hours of video playback
– Solid chassis: All aluminum unibody
– Available in multiple colors
– Solid screen hinge
– Excellent trackpad, with great multi-touch support
– Latest generation WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0

Why you might not want the Macbook Air: Cons

– Sustained performance is limited by the fanless cooling system. If you plan on editing videos or running other tasks that require high performance for long periods, opt for the Macbook Pro instead.
– Limited amount of ports: Two Thunderbolt 3 / USB4 Type-C ports
– No LAN port
– No Numpad
– The Macbook Air RAM and storage cannot be upgraded: They are soldered.

What you need to know:

Late 2020 models:

All models have this in common:

Dimensions: Height: 0.41-1.6cm, Width: 30.4cm, Depth: 21.23cm
Weight: 2.8 lbs (1.27kg)
– Processor:
Apple M1 4 cores/4 threads High-Performance + 4 cores/4 threads High-Efficiency
– RAM:
GPU: Apple integrated GPU, 7 or 8 cores
Screen: 13.3″, resolution: 2560 x 1600 Retina IPS, P3 color gamut, with True Tone technology, which automatically adjusts the white balance to match the color temperature of the surrounding light.
Storage: High performance PCI-Express based SSDs (Solid State Drive) storage. This offers you a better computer experience because it responds to your inputs much more quickly. Programs launch far more quickly, the Operating System starts in seconds and resumes from sleep instantaneously. No noise, no vibration, higher reliability and higher resistance to shocks. See theSSD FAQ for more details on SSDs.
Ports: 2 x USB 4 Type-C with ThunderBolt 3, 3.5mm combo jack, Touch ID
Networking: WiFi 6 802.11ax 2×2:2, Bluetooth 5.0
Battery: Up to 15 hours of web browsing, up to 18 hours of video playback

Late 2020
models compared to the Early 2020 models:

I refer to those new updated models as the Late 2020 models through this article. Compared to the older model, referred as Early 2020, here are the changes:

1. The Macbook Air is now fanless. That's right, the Macbook Air is now passively cooled, resulting in obviously less noise, but also higher realiability, seeing as there's no longer a fan that can fail or get clogged with dust.
2. Massive CPU performance upgrade! The MacBook Air's CPU is up to 3.5x faster than the prior generation model!
3. Massive GPU performance upgrade! The MacBook Air's GPU is up to 5x faster than the prior generation model!
4. Machine learning workloads are up to 9x faster.
5. Display now supports the P3 gamut.
6. Higher RAM performance: You get a significant upgrade from LPDDR4X 3733MHz to LPDDR4X 4266MHz and it is integrated directly into the M1 chip for a unified memory architecture that brings performance and efficiency improvements
7. Storage performance: The SSD is 2x as fast as the previous model.
8. Keyboard: The keyboard has been tweaked slightly and the function keys now include Do Not Disturb, Spotlight search, and dictation options, as well as a new emoji Fn key.
9. Battery life: Battery life goes up significantly, from 11-12 hours to 15 hours of web browsing or up to 18 hours of video playback.
10. Improved webcam quality: Apple says the M1 improves picture quality with better noise reduction, better dynamic range, and other features.
11. Updated USB ports: You now get Two Thunderbolt 3/USB4 ports that support up to a 6K external display

What about older models of the Apple Macbook Air? Are they worth it?

Simply put: No.

Considering the massive improvement in performance and the longer battery life, available at similar price points, why would you settle for less?

1. Choose between 8GB or 16GB of memory (RAM)

You have the choice between 8GB and 16GB of memory.

Is 8GB of RAM enough for you or do you want 16GB?

It depends on what you intend to do with your Macbook Air.

If you only use your MacBook Air to run a few basic programs at once, like email, some Excel, Word, a web browser, and iTunes, 8GB is fine.

On the other hand, if you run multiple programs at once, run heavier programs (audio/photo/video/3D), like to multitask and have no time to lose, 16 GB is the wiser option.

Warning: You cannot add RAM to your Macbook Air.
Keep in mind that the memory is soldered in the Macbook Air computer, so you cannot add memory to upgrade your computer.

So if you intend on keeping your Macbook Air for many years, going with 16GB is a good idea, seeing as memory usage keeps increasing, with newer versions of programs using more and more memory. It's what I'd do if I were to buy a Macbook Air.

2. Four storage capacities:
256GB, 512GB, 1TB or 2TB

Unsure about how whether you want 256GB, 512GB, 1TB or 2TB of storage? Read our article on How to choose the right SSD storage capacity and pay less for your computerto figure it out.

3. Choose between 2 levels of GPU performance:

The Macbook Air Late 2020 is either available with a 7 or 8 cores GPU. It won't make any difference for the majority of users. If you want the best performance, the higher-performance 8 core GPU is a $50 upgrade.

4. Choose the color:
Silver, Space Grey or Gold

I recommend the least expensive option by default, although the other colors are often the same price or hardly more expensive.

Prices for B&H as of January 6th 2021. Prices and availability are subject to change.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links so that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission.

Is it safe to buy a Mac from B&H Photo Video instead of the Apple Store?

B&H Photo Video is an Authorized Apple Reseller. That means B&H has received authorization from Apple to sell Macs, iPods, etc. This is great for you because B&H prices are generally much lower than the Apple Store. Items ship promptly and you receive the same warranty as if you had made the purchase at the Apple Store. In fact, you still receive all the benefits of the Apple Store (classes, Genius Bar access, etc.) when you buy from B&H Photo Video. So really, the only difference between buying from B&H and the Apple Store is that with B&H you will probably save a lot of money!

8GB RAM/7 cores GPU:
256GB storage: $999.00 at B&H
512GB storage: $1,199.00 at B&H
1TB storage: $1,399.00 at B&H
2TB storage: $1,799.00 at B&H

8GB RAM/8 cores GPU:
512GB storage: $1,249.00 at B&H
1TB storage: $1,449.00 at B&H
2TB storage: $1,849.00 at B&H

16GB RAM/7 cores GPU:
– 256GB storage: $1,199.00 at B&H
– 512GB storage: $1,399.00 at B&H
– 1TB storage: $1,599.00 at B&H
– 2TB storage: $1,999.00 at B&H

16GB RAM/8 cores GPU:
– 512GB storage: $1,449.00 at B&H
– 1TB storage: $1,649.00 at B&H
– 2TB storage: $2,049.00 at B&H

Don't forget about Applecare: Protect your investment

The AppleCare+ Protection Plan Extension from Apple gives you peace of mind by extending your hardware, software, and telephone support coverage to 3-years total. AppleCare+ provides you with expert assistance, incident coverage, global repair coverage for your MacBook Air, and web-based resources and diagnostic tools.

How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have Air

It can be selected when adding your Macbook to the cart, see the picture below.

AppleCare+ can be purchased with your new Mac or within 60 days from the original date of purchase.


I hope that you've enjoyed this article on how to choose the best Macbook Air.

How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have

Do you have any feedback or any questions? Are you unsure which Macbook Air is the best one for you?

How Much Storage Does The Macbook Air Have

Please leave a comment below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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